
  • Individual sport

  • Team sport

  • Olympic sport


Benefits for kids

Improves social skills

Improves teamwork

How acquired competencies contributes to violence and exclusion issues

Badminton requires at least two players. A child, therefore, would need to find another person to play      with. This will encourage them to socialise more and learn to maintain relationships.

Although badminton is more an individual sport, it is played against a competitor, and it can also be    played in pairs. This means that children can learn a lot about teamwork, communication, and working    with other people.

Short description

Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be played with larger teams, the most common forms of the game are "singles" (with one player per side) and "doubles" (with two players per side). Badminton is often played as a casual outdoor activity in a yard or on a beach; formal games are played on a rectangular indoor court. Points are scored by striking the shuttlecock with the racquet and landing it within the opposing side's half of the court.

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